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11 (Eleven) Signs of Bad Parenting

Read this great blog post to discover some signs of bad parenting

How you train your child or children matters a lot.

Discover 11 (Eleven) signs of bad parenting… These are red flags and signals that you are not doing parenting the right way.

Full details here:

  1. If your child is secretive, the reason is that you blow things very big.

2. If your child intentionally disturbs you, it is because you are not physically affectionate enough

3. If your child is lying, it means you over-reacted to mistakes in the past.

4. If your child does not stand up for themselves, it is because from a young age you have disciplined them regularly in public.

Parents shouldn’t do so even in front of siblings, friends or cousins.

5. If your child is a coward, it is because you help them too quickly.

Don’t remove every obstacle from their path.

6. If your child doesn’t respect others feelings, the reason might be you always order them – Not giving importance to their feelings.

7. If you buy everything for your children, still they take things that do not belong to them… It is because you do not let them choose

8. If your child has poor self-esteem, it is because you advise them more than you encourage them.

9. If your child gets angry quickly, the reason might be you have not praised them enough. They only get attention by misbehaving

10. If your child is jealous, the reason might be you compared them with others consistently.

11. Finally… If the child behaves rudely, it is learnt from parents or others living with them.

Signs of Bad Parenting

These are 11 (eleven) signs of bad parenting that I have realized… Do you know any others?? Please share your take in the comments… Have a beautiful day!!

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By Nkiruka Iwu

My full name is Nkiruka Rosemary Iwu. I am from Nigeria. I am the Founder and Pioneer of this blog. I have a Master's degree in Public and International Affairs and a Certificate in Remote Working from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom and The Institute of Coding. I also own the company called Pinky's Research and Learning Services - An educational, writing and research company. I have about Eight (8) years experience in remote working. My desire is to see that everyone achieves their career aspirations in life even with little resources, this is my main goal of setting up this blog - to help everyone with awesome opportunities to achieve their life dreams. Thank you for reading through my wonderful blog.

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