Valuable Information

10 Daily Health Goals To Become the Best of Yourself

Need some daily health goals? Health is equivalent to wealth.

We all want a more pleasant life for ourselves, right? We want to look better and feel fitter. You can achieve this by making some adjustments in your lifestyle, improving on some habits or by adding a new healthy habit.

Here are 10 daily health goals to become the best of yourself. Add these tips to your daily routine for an overall boost to your well being.

1. Drink Lots of Water – Daily Health Goals

    Water has been proven to have a lot of benefits. It aids in food digestion, boosts the body’s metabolism and gives you a better skin. Water is also helpful for controlling your weight.

    Have a glass of water as soon as soon you get up in the morning to boost your metabolism. Cold water is said to be better at doing this, so add some ice!

    Aim for nothing less than 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking enough water is one of the most important daily health goals.

    2. GET ENOUGH SLEEP AT NIGHT – Daily Health Goals

    There’s no substitute for a good night’s rest. Getting enough sleep at night will help you feel more relaxed and alert throughout the day. Don’t deprive yourself of your beauty sleep because getting enough sleep will help improve your appearance; Aim for 7 – 9 hours sleep at night.

    Consider a bedtime routine to help you get into a sleepy frame of mind – Like drinking some warm milk or listening to calm music before sleeping.

    3. Breakfast – Daily Health Goals

    Daily Health Goals

    People often say that they don’t eat breakfast, but skipping your morning meal is a bad idea. It may cause weight gain, elevated blood cholesterol levels, lead to high blood pressure, contribute to the development of diabetes and increase the risk of heart disease.

    Make sure you eat a good mix of protein, healthy carbs and fiber.

    4. Exercise – Daily Health Goals

    Today is the best day to start working out because there are several benefits to exercising.

    Exercise will help you lose weight and get that bikini body you’ve always wanted. It will improve the quality of your sleep and boost your energy levels.

    Exercise has been shown to boost happiness levels, reduce your risk of heart disease, increase your strength and flexibility, improve memory and give you more self-confidence.

    5. Quit Smoking – Daily Health Goals

    There are several reasons to quit smoking.

    On a pack of cigarettes, it is usually written that “tobacco smokers are liable to die young.” That should be enough health information to deter one not to smoke.

    Smoking can cause smelly hair, early menopause, poor vision, unhealthy teeth, lung cancer, bronchitis, persistent coughing, high cholesterol, heart disease, cervical cancer, problems with pregnancy and newborns, diabetes complications and bad skin.

    So quit today!

    6. Balanced Meal – Daily Health Goals

    You are what you eat and what you put into your system has a direct impact on your health.

    It is important to consider eating a balanced diet each day to get all the necessary nutrients needed for healthy living.

    Eat more fruits and vegetables and fewer simple carbs, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

    Eat more protein and reduce sugar and soda intake. Your body will thank you for it!

    You also need to eat regularly. Don’t skip meals in a bid to lose weight. You can reduce portion sizes if you are trying to control your intake.

    7. Listen to Music – Daily Health Goals

    Listening to music is therapeutic. You can listen to music when you do your workouts. It helps to improve your workout output and your stamina.

    Music also helps with pain management. When you are going through turmoil, music will always be there for you. Music helps you cope with sad feelings, stress and even depression.

    8. Go for Regular Check-Ups – Daily Health Goals

    Regular health check-ups with your doctor is a wise measure in preventing health problems before they start.

    Your doctor can help detect problems early, which is important for prevention and treatment of illnesses.

    Some important checks that should be done include a regular breast and cervical exam, a check of your blood pressure and cholesterol, and a general check-up for your overall health.

    9. Learn to Relax – Daily Health Goals

    The ability to relax is important in effectively managing stress and anxiety.

    You need to make time each day to relax, to let go and simply be at peace. You need to be able to sit down alone and allow yourself to become quiet and still.

    Relaxation protects your heart, boosts your memory, keeps you safe from depression, helps you make better decisions and puts you in a better mood.

    10. Take Care of Your Emotional Health- Daily Health Goals

    Emotional health is also crucial for total body health and vitality.

    Maintain a positive mindset and attitude at all times. Always stay happy and do things that make you happy.

    Invest your time in new hobbies.

    Tell the truth at all times, face life openly, accept yourself as you are, accept others as they are, take responsibility for your life, let go of the past, know and accept your weaknesses, say what you mean, feel and believe.

    Finally, solve your problems!

    Taking the time to solve any issue you may have will give you better self-esteem and confidence. It will make you feel better and equip you to face new challenges.

    These are 10 tips I find important for health – 10 daily Health Goals to Become the Best of Yourself. Tell me yours in the Comments

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    Valuable Information

    50 YouTube Ideas – Start a YouTube Channel!!

    Read this blog post to know 50 YouTube ideas to enhance or start your YouTube content creation

    About YouTube – 50 YouTube Ideas

    YouTube is an American digital video sharing platform owned by Google. It is accessible by everyone all around the world.

    YouTube is the second more visited website in the world, second to Google Search. YouTube boasts of over 2.5 billion monthly users, who in total watch more than one billion hours of videos daily.

    YouTube has a great social impact – it influences pop culture, internet trends and creates multimillionaire celebrities.

    Video categories on YouTube are as follows; music videos, video clips, news, short and feature films, songs, documentaries, movie trailers, teasers and TV spots, live streams, vlogs and others more.

    50 YouTube Ideas – LISTED

    In this blog post, we enumerate 50 great ideas on how to create channel contents for YouTube.

    Feel free to explore these options listed, and have a fun and rewarding experience creating a YouTube channel for your business, craft or profitable service.

    The 50 (fifty) YouTube ideas, namely:

    1. Unboxing
    2. Tech & gadget reviews
    3. Life hacks
    4. Toplists
    5. Fail compilations
    6. Health and fitness
    7. World of local news
    8. Celebrity gossips
    9. Food and restaurants
    10. Cooking ideas
    11. Kitchen hacks
    12. ‘How to create’ videos
    13. Prank & spoof
    14. Makeup and beauty
    15. Comic and superhero
    16. Travel vlogging
    17. Dash and security cams
    18. Comedy
    19. Fashion and style tips
    20. Haircare and hairstyle
    21. City tours
    22. Horror videos
    23. Sports
    24. Parody
    25. Trailer and movie reaction
    26. Diy crafts – Do it yourself crafts
    27. Sketching tutorial
    28. Music tutorial
    29. Dance tutorial
    30. Baby videos
    31. Pets and animals
    32. Timelapse
    33. Behind the scenes videos
    34. Investing tutorial
    35. Cars and bike reviews
    36. Gaming tutorial
    37. Viral challenges
    38. Educational videos
    39. Yoga tutorial
    40. Design tools
    41. Animated stories
    42. Daily vlogging
    43. Motivational videos
    44. Gardening tips
    45. Lifestyle tips
    46. Magic tricks
    47. Destruction videos
    48. Book reviews
    49. Advertising tips
    50. Reenact videos
    50 YouTube Ideas

    These are 50 great YouTube ideas that I know can help you create content or start your own YouTube channel.

    Do you have more ideas for us?? Please let us know in the comments. Have a good one!!

    Do you love these information we share on this blog?? Then join our social media platforms for more







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    Sell Study Notes on Stuvia – Earn Online

    A great way for you to earn online – Sell study notes on Stuvia

    Sell your school notes or study notes on Stuvia – Sell them instantly

    About Stuvia – Sell study notes on Stuvia

    Tens of thousands of people are searching for notes on this website daily

    People may need your study notes

    It is even possible for you to sell hundreds of your study documents

    Earn Quickly; You earn money for each document you sell. Your earnings are added to your Stuvia account instantly.

    It is easy to upload your study notes and sell on Stuvia

    Your sellers account can easily be created within a minute

    You have the choice to determine the price of your documents and upload them immediately

    You can sell your school notes – Sell them today on Stuvia

    Sell the knowledge you have acquired on this great website

    Your knowledge is worth money!

    There are over 700,000 sellers on Stuvia who are making money daily for their knowledge

    Sign up for free today and start earning money by helping others

    Your summaries are worth money.

    Within a few minutes you can sell your study notes

    Your study notes, summaries, flash cards, study guides and other study resources are worth some money.

    Stuvia is an online learning platform where you can sell and share your study notes to other students

    We offer a generous commission on each sale

    Sell your study notes online in a quick and easy way

    Do you have any written textbook summaries or notes?? Yes! You can sell them on this website

    Quick Earnings – You can earn from each document you sell

    Your earnings are added to your Stuvia account instantly

    How it Works – Sell Study Notes on Stuvia

    1. Create a sellers account within a minute
    2. Set the price for your documents
    3. Start uploading, then earn

    How much does a seller earn on Stuvia?

    An average seller on Stuvia earns $100 a month by selling their study documents or even more

    Each document sells for about $8 (Eight dollars)

    You can sell your documents indefinitely without any limits

    You can sell your document every day; even on weekends

    After your study materials have been uploaded – the Stuvia marketing machine will start working for you immediately and you can start earning within 3 days of the time you uploaded the document.

    Start Selling Today!!

    Sell and share your summaries and study notes to others

    Whether you are studying or taking a course for your work; you can prepare your study materials and sell them on Stuvia

    Do you always prepare for your exams by creating study notes or summaries? Stuvia helps you to earn money online by selling your study materials to other students

    In this way, you can create a passive income with your study notes or summaries

    Some Salient Things to Know – Sell Study Notes on Stuvia

    Well-written summaries receive great reviews, resulting in more sales and greater earnings

    1. You are the boss

    You always retain ownership of your documents. Buyers only have the right to read your work for personal use. It is forbidden for them to distribute your work to other people

    2. Be Found

    Write a catchy title and a solid description for your documents so that buyers can easily find your summaries online, such as Google Search Engine – for example.

    3. Set the Ideal Price

    You set the price for your study notes and documents. You can even make discounted bundles of your top summaries to attract more buyers.

    4. Use the Stuvia Network

    As soon as your documents are online, we will include them on the right Stuvia pages that are search traffic optimized. We also send notifications to members interested in your field of study.

    5. Score Top Reviews

    Improve your online reputation by getting high scoring reviews. This is a great way to generate more sales.

    6. Earn money from each Summary

    Some documents sell hundreds of times… Once your documents are on Stuvia, your work is done. Sit back, relax and start earning money.

    With Stuvia, you can help others with your knowledge while earning money.


    Types of Materials you can Sell on Stuvia – Sell Study Notes on Stuvia

    All of your written study documents can be sold on Stuvia; This includes –

    1. Summaries
    2. College notes
    3. Assignments
    4. Textbook summaries
    5. Papers
    6. Essays
    7. Manuals
    8. Course notes
    9. Judgements
    10. Class notes

    Things you can’t Sell on Stuvia

    1. Old exams
    2. Powerpoint class slides
    3. Scanned textbooks
    4. Published scientific articles

    Who Can Register on Stuvia

    1.  High school students
    2. University or college students
    3. People doing a course or work training
    4. Teachers/Tutors
    5. Publishers
    6. Or just anybody at all

    Things you can write for:

    1. Exam or a qualification
    2. Training
    3. Test
    4. University or college courses
    5. High school subjects.


    For more Updates and Great Opportunities on this Blog… Please join Our Groups or Follow Us on Social Media:

    Sell Study Notes on Stuvia
    Sell Study Notes on Stuvia








    For Other Valuable Information on this blog… Please Visit – Pinky’s Blog Valuable Information Content.

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    Rotary Peace Fellowships – International Opportunity.

    Apply now for the Rotary Peace Fellowships!!

    Every year, Rotary gives up to 130 fully sponsored fellowships to dedicated leaders from all over the world for studies at any of our peace centers.

    The fellowship programs involves academic training, practices and international networking opportunities and this helps the selected professionals become change makers for peace in the world.

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    WWOOF Travel Opportunity in Organic Farming – Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms

    Apply now for a fantastic opportunity with WWOOF Travel Opportunity in Organic Farming!!

    Experience a unique life working on organic farms and living with a new family overseas

    Valuable Information Scholarships


    Dream of Free Education?? It is possible if you Study at Berea College with Free Tuition … Apply Now!!

    Apply for your Bachelor’s Degree at Berea College, with Free Tuition – you won’t be paying School Fees!!

    Since 1892, Berea College has never charged any of its students for school tuition, studies is free at Berea College and all students are made to work, there is great work-study plan for all students.

    Find Every Detail about Berea College, Kentucky, USA in this blog post

    Valuable Information

    Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited – Buy Insurance Packages

    Get Started with Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited – Buy Insurance Packages

    Learn all you need to know about Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited from this Blog Article

    You can buy loads of insurance packages with Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited.

    Insurance is very very important for the future.

    With our insurance services, you can:

    1. Pay your insurance premiums
    2. Renew your insurance policy
    3. Buy a new insurance plan
    4. Protect your future

    Get the 4-in-1 insurance solution!

    Mutual Benefits Multi-Life Shield.

    Benefits of this Package:

    This insurance package offered by our company has the following benefits:

    • It covers death
    • It covers permanent disability
    • It has hospital cash benefits
    • It has spouse life cover (which is 50% of the original sum assured)

    Renew your Car Papers with Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited – Buy Insurance Packages

    Check if your car papers are due for renewal and contact us.

    Let us renew them for you.

    Get the following papers done by us:

    • Get your vehicle license
    • 3rd Party or Comprehensive Insurance
    • Road Worthiness

    Importance of Insurance:

    Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited - Buy Insurance Packages

    Whether you get an insurance or not, someone will pay during –

    1. Sickness
    2. Accident
    3. Disability

    The question is – Who will pay? Your insurance company or your family??

    Insurance At The Workplace

    As an employee, you ought to be insured.

    Dear employee, ask your HR or Boss this question today…

    “Is my life insured?”

    It is your Right!!

    It is the Law!!

    Make Sure that you have got insurance cover!

    The insurance Package – Group Life Assurance is a compulsory insurance for businesses or companies with more than 5 employees.

    To Start up with any of these Insurance Packages… Please Contact Happiness Nwoye on +2349031106614 (Through Calls or WhatsApp)


    Choose the right motor insurance plan for your car!

    1. Third Party
    • This covers damage to the third party’s property
    • It covers death or body injury to the third part

    2. Hybrid

    • This covers damage to the third party’s property
    • It covers death or body injury to the third party
    • It covers damage to own vehicle caused by fire and theft

    3. Comprehensive

    • It covers damage to the third party’s property
    • It covers death or body injury to the third party
    • It covers accidental damage to own vehicle caused by fire, theft, collision, over-turning or malicious damage


    Your child deserves a life assurance.

    Get a Term Assurance Today!!

    Contact Happiness Nwoye on +23490311066145 (Call or WhatsApp) to get Started!!

    Please indicate that you learnt of the opportunity through Pinky’s Blog, Thank you!

    5 Things to know about Motor Insurance

    1. How is Premium determined?

    Answer – Premium is determined by the value of vehicle multiplied by the rate

    2. Is it Compulsory?

    Answer – Third Party Insurance is one of the compulsory insurances.

    3. What are the different Motor Covers?

    Answer – i. Comprehensive

                      ii. Third Party, Fire and Theft

                      iii. Third Party Only

                      iv. Hybrid

    4. What are the risks covered?

    Answer – i. For Comprehensive:

    – Loss or damage to vehicle

     – Fire and Explosion

    – Theft, Break-in and Vandalization

    – Malicious Damage

    -Third party death and body injury

    -Third party property damage

    -Medical Expenses

    5. What happens when the cover lapses?

    Answer – Then there is no cover. No claim can be admitted.

    With Mutual Benefits Insurance, your children get benefits and claims if something unlucky happens to you in the future.

    Buy Insurance now… So that your Children’s future will be secured.

    PPIP (Personal Pension & Investment Plan): Mutual Benefits Life zAssurance Limited – Buy Insurance Packages

    PPIP is an insurance plan aimed at individuals in self-employment or organizations where staff strength is below five (5).

    This plan is equally beneficial to people in paid employment, artisans and other vocations and trades.

    This plan encourages long term savings targeted towards future needs which may range from income at retirement to capital to work on specific future projects.

    Benefits of this plan

    1. Adequate provisions for children’s education
    2. Provision of capital to start up a business
    3. Investment in real estate
    4. Savings to meet wedding plans and other expenses
    5. Other capital intensive projects

    Features of this plan

    • Minimum annual investment of N60,000
    • Flexibility in premium payment (Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly or Annually)
    • Those who buy this plan can choose their plan duration subject to a minimum of 2 years.
    • There is guaranteed return on investment of 5% per annum
    • There is provision for flexible contribution rate to reflect new economic power

    Accidental death or total permanent disability attracts 400% of total contribution

    • Natural death attracts payment of total contribution with interest

    ISPP (Individual Savings and Protection Plan): Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited – Buy Insurance Packages

    ISPP is an anti-inflatory savings and income protection plan designed for individuals whether self-employed or working in paid employment to assist them in cultivating the habit of regular and compulsory savings during their working years

    Benefits of this plan:

    1. It helps you to cultivate a regular savings attitude
    2. Assists to mop funds to set up personal business or investment in real estate or capital market
    3. Serves as additional security to obtain loans in banks.
    4. It helps in Tax Reduction (This is the only legal means by which you can reduce your tax burden)
    5. It guarantees the future education of your child(ren) or ward(s)
    6. It assists in planning for a comfortable retirement
    7. It provides social income protection for the family in case of untimely death (It guarantees an immediate estate)

    Features of the ISPP Plan

    • Minimum annual investment of N60,000
    • Flexibility in premium payment (Monthly, Quarterly, Half Yearly, or Annually)
    • Duration – 5 years, 10 years, 15 years or 20 years
    • Interest is computed on a compound basis to cushion the harsh effect of inflation, thereby guaranteeing a rapid growth of investment
    • 50% of investment account balance could be cashed after the second year and after a full premium has been paid.
    • Guaranteed surrender value after the 4th (fourth) year
    • The total future unpaid premium plus account holder’s balances become payable on the death of the policy holder anytime during the duration of the policy, provided the policy is active as at the time of death of the assured.

    To get Started on any of these Insurance Packages…  Please contact Happiness Nwoye on +2349031106614 (Call or WhatsApp)

    Mutual Benefits Term Assurance

    This is purely a protection policy. It is targeted towards securing the financial future of you loved ones if death occurs

    Mutual Benefits Individual Savings and Protection Plan

    This plan allows you to save up easily for the future of your children.

    Enjoy 24 hours Protection anywhere in the world.

    Get Mutual Benefits’ Personal Accident Insurance

    Insurance is important so that your children can have a secured future

    Mutual Benefits’ School Fees Guarantee: Mutual Benefits Life Assurance Limited – Buy Insurance Packages

    If Life happens, you honestly don’t want any mishaps to your children’s education. This policy covers the payment of your children’s school fees if anything happens to you.

    The demise of a breadwinner of a family and the effects on the dependants could be devastating. Children could be sent out of school or forced to attend lower quality schools. However, when an adequate life assurance policy has been bought to tend to uncertainties, the dependant(s) can live a life without worries.

    Mutual Benefits’ ISPP is a savings and protection plan designed for you to cultivate a consistent savings culture and also protect you and your loved ones in case of any life eventualities.

    Enjoy numerous benefits when you buy our Insurance packages.

    Please Contact Happiness Nwoye through Calls or WhatsApp on +2349031106614 and she will walk you through all the processes.

    Please Kindly indicate that you heard of this opportunity through Pinky’s Blog

    Official Website –










    Pinky's Blog for Naija Valuable Information

    Introducing Prospa – Open Up a Business (Corporate) Account Easily

    Try Prospa – Open Up a Business (Corporate) Account Today!!

    Prospa is a fast and reliable way to open up a business or corporate account.

    Open up a business account through your phone, from the comfort of your home or office.

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    Prospa is a new invention for opening up a business account in Nigeria.

    You can open up a business account for your business in as little as 15 minutes.

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    So many Nigerian business owners, freelancers, startups and growing companies choose and use Prospa

    Prospa - Open Up a Business (Corporate) Account

    Start now to use Prospa – Open up a business (Corporate) Account Immediately.

    Prospa is loaded with features to help you make the best of your financial transactions and thus it gives you time to channel your energy on growing and succeeding in your business.

    Hey! With Prospa, there are no queues, no banking halls’ stress and no burdensome processes – Do everything from your phone.

    We’ve got a world-class team support within our app; hence you will never have to leave your office to get assistance for managing your account.

    When you Sign Up on Prospa; You get a Bank Account number in your Business name.

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    You can also send money to all Nigerian Banks.

    To Start Up with Prospa – Open Up a Business (Corporate) Account Easily:

    Download the App “PROSPA” and Sign Up with Pinky’s Blog Referral Code – 3XQKJB
    Remember the Referral Code to use when Signing up or registering is 3XQKJB.

    That’s not all…
    Specifically for starting up at Prospa through Pinky’s Blog… We have a Promo for you.

    After you have registered and are now approved, before making any transactions (After getting your bank account number 😊👍🏽)… Please take advantage of this wonderful promotion!

    Use Pinky’s Blog Promotion Code: PINKYB to get access to 30 Free funds transfers on your new Prospa Business Account – YES!

    You heard that correctly!
    You get access to 30 Free transfers just for using the Pinky’s Blog PROMO CODE – “PINKYB”

    How to Redeem the 30 Free Transfers in this Special Promo:
    After Opening Up your Prospa Bank Account;
    1. Click on Settings – in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
    2. Click on Rewards
    3. Enter – PINKYB
    4. Click on Redeem Code

    Note that this is the Promotional Code for anyone who signed up through Pinky’s Blog (PINKYB).
    Use ths Promo code to get 30 Free funds transfers.

    Other Features on Prospa – Open a Business (Corporate) Account Easily!!
    – Create Sub-Accounts
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    – Pay Vendors and partners internationally (Ghana, Kenya, United Kingdom)
    – Add Team members
    And many more benefits of Prospa – Open up a Business (Corporate) Account


    If you don’t have a Registered Business but you Still need a Current Account… We also offer that and they are Called FREELANCE ACCOUNTS… Please follow the Instructions on our App to Open up a Freelance Current Account if your Business is not Registered yet.

    LASTLY – If you need further assistance, If you want to make enquiries or ask any questions concerning Prospa… Please Kindly Contact PROSPA CUSTOMER SUPPORT on 08097907390… Please, also indicate that you learnt of this valuable information and great opportunity through Pinky’s Blog. Thank you. 🥰🥰

    For A list of Good Opportunities for Nigerians on this Blog… Please Visit this Link 👇🏼👇🏼










    Valuable Information


    SECODI – Solar Energy Business: In this Write-Up… Find out all you need to know about this great business opportunity

    Here is a chance for you to make life-changing income and make an impact in your community.

    SECODI means:

    S – Sun

    E – Energy

    CO – Community

    D – Development

    I – Initiative

    SECODI is a powerful renewable energy company.

    SECODI is supported by solar manufacturing companies in China and India

    SECODI’s mission is to alleviate poverty and improve the poor condition of electricity and water conditions in third world countries, thereby making life easier for everyone.

    The rate of poverty in Third World Countries is devastating and the electrical power shortage in these countries are alarming.

    SECODI is here to complement the efforts of the government by enabling individuals especially the masses to have access to renewable and lasting solar products in order to enhance their lives and living condition. This will invariably cause an increase in development in our society.


    There are two ways to benefit from SECODI.


    1. The Distributorship Program
    2. Multi-level Crowd Funding and Reward System (MLCRS)
    1. Distributorship Program

    Here in this category, you become a registered SECODI distributor, this allows you to buy products in bulk at wholesale prices and sell to customers at consumer prices.

    The sales volumes you accumulate are recorded in SECODI-COIN VALUE (SV)… And you get paid for your volume.

    2. Multi-level Crowd Funding and Reward System

    Our aim is to make solar products available and accessible to everyone especially the average and the poor in the society.

    We have a structured compensation plan for you for introducing people to our solar products.

    Our crowd funding reward system is structured to assist communities and the common people in the society that wish to have these facilities but can’t directly purchase them due to the high cost of solar products

    SOLAR – Solar Energy Business has a rich 6 (Six) level reward system to allow you attain success.

    These are the levels:

    1. Starter
    2. Distributor
    3. Senior Distributor
    4. Manager
    5. Senior Manager
    6. Director


    Everyone starts at the starter level… You register at the starter level with a one-time payment of N7,500 (in Nigerian Naira), you then proceed to register two (2) of your friends who also make their own one-time payment of N7,500. And then, they both go ahead and refer two of their friends each who also pay N7,500 each. Then Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Starter level and SECODI will reward you with a Solar Starter Kit worth N12,000 – that can power 2 bulbs and your mobile phones.


    Now you move to the distributor level – Your referrals continue, and repeat what you have done by completing the starter level. And when 14 of your referrals (7 on the left and 7 on the right, that is 7 from each person) complete their starter level, then CONGRATULATIONS!! You have completed your Distributor level.

    SECODI then rewards you with Solar Inverter worth N42,000 that can power 2 fans and 4 bulbs while N30,000 is credited to your bank account.

    Senior Distributor

    Next you move to the Senior Distributor Level.

    As people you and your down lines have referred keep moving up, When 14 of your referrals complete the Distributor level, then CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have completed the senior distributor level.

    SECODI now rewards you with a solar inverter worth N224,000 that can power your basic house electronics, meanwhile N107,000 is credited to your bank account.

    Manager Level

    Next you move to the Manager Level. The process continues…

    When you have 14 people (7 on the left and 7 on the right) who have completed the senior distributor level, Then you have completed the Manager level.

    SECODI  now rewards you with a Brand New Car worth 4.5 million and a loyalty reward of N600,000 and a level bonus of N420,000

    Senior Manager

    Next you move to the Senior Manger level.

    When you have 14 people – 7 left and 7 right who have completed the manager level, Then CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have completed the Senior Manager Level. SECODI then rewards you with a Personal Borehole worth N2 Million.

    Also you are given N3 Million for a community borehole at any community of your choice Or you can opt for a an expenses paid trip to Dubai or China with N1 Million pocket money for shopping.

    A loyalty reward of N2 Million and a level bonus of N700,000 is also given to you.

    Director Level

    Next you move to the last level which is the Director level.

    After completing this level, SECODI rewards you with a housing fund of N10 Million to build a new house and also you are given solar electricity of N3 Million to power the house.

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have successfully completed the Multi-level Crowd Funding Program.

    So, with a one-time payment of N7,500, you get to enjoy all these benefits.

    Note: You can come in at the starter level with multiple accounts – as many accounts as you like. This means you get a multiplication of the many benefits of one account.

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    Note: Multiple Accounts at the starter level are allowed and it is even the best.

    Here are the Rates:

    1 Account = N7,000

    3 Accounts = N22,500

    7 Accounts = N52,000

    It is advisable to start with 3 or 7 accounts – This means that your earnings will be in 3 or 7 places.

    If you are outside Nigeria, you can also apply and You are Welcome!

    These are the Rates for None-Nigerians:

    $19 – One Account

    $57 – Three Accounts

    $133 – Seven Accounts

    NOTE WELL – This is a Promoted Post on Pinky’s Blog… To Advertise your own business or services on this fantastic blog, please send us a WhatsApp message on +2348023418371 or write us an email –  … We will be waiting to hear from you and be of great service. Have a Wonderful Day!!

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    Valuable Information Online Courses

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    Valuable Information Webinars

    Jottings from a Webinar on Cybersecurity – Cybersecurity while working remotely

    Jottings from a webinar on CyberSecurity – Please Read, Learn and Share this Content

    Written by Nkiruka Rosemary Iwu (Pinky)

    My Notes From A Webinar…

    Theme – CyberSecurity while working Remotely.

    ‘Stay Safe’ was the Most Common word for 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and it is Equally Important to Stay Safe Online while working Remotely.

    Harmful Softwares used by Hackers have been Made centering around COVID-19.

    Hackers may cause you to download a file harmful to your Computers or Devices.

    A Word of Advice – Do not Use your Company’s device to watch X-rated Contents… This will pose a great risk for your Organization.

    Using the same Passwords in Different Locations is Very Risky and Wrong… Example – Using the Same Passwords for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Zoom etc. This can make you prone to Hackers… Because once the Hackers can Access just one of your Accounts, they can Also try to Access Others.

    Cyber-Criminals have access to loads of E-mail accounts and Also even Netflix Accounts.

    Things to do while you work from Home:

    “Think before You Click”

    Hackers are Trying to Impersonate big Organizations like Microsoft, Like the WHO (World Health Organization), Like Facebook… All in a Bid to Put you in a Position at Risk.

    Review Every Link before You Click on it.

    Do not Click links directly in E-mails, Manually type out the Links in your Browser.

    Cyber-Criminals are Distributing Malwares due to COVID-19


    Your Passwords shouldn’t be less than 8 Characters.

    Use a Combination of Upper and Lower Case Characters and Also Numbers and Special Characters.

    Treat your Password like your Under Pants and Change it Frequently.

    It is Important to Use a Unique Password for Every Platform you log on to.

    Also is Multi-Factor Identification… Turn on Two-factor Identification for your Accounts to Beef Up Security.

    Organizations Should Enforce Two-factor Verification for their Staffs’ E-mails.

    To Avoid Data Loss, Assuming your Devices or Computer gets Stolen, Ensure you are Consistently Backing Up your Records, Data and Documents.

    When you are in your Car, Your Laptop Should Always be in the Trunk of the Car… For Security Reasons

    If your Device Gets Stolen, Have a Means to get your Data Wiped to Avoid your Data in the Wrong Hands… This is the Reason why you must Consistently Back Up.

    It is Important not to use your Personal Device as your Work device. You Should have a Seperate device.

    Another thing to do is to use a VPN.

    A VPN software is Important.

    Update your Softwares.

    Make Sure you have an Anti-virus for your Computers and your Phones.

    You need to have a Firewall.

    Do not go into the Web without Protection.

    It is important to ask your Recruiter or Employer for CyberSecurity Training and Awareness.

    Do not Click on links or download attachments from Unsolicited E-mails – Even from People you know or Colleagues. Because it is Possible that the Person’s Account may have been Compromised.

    Some Links are Very Very Harmful.

    Do not Visit Unapproved Websites.

    Cyber-Criminals just need one Person to access a Whole lot of People.

    Think before You Click.

    Beef Up the Security of your Passwords.

    Turn on Multi-Factor Verification on Every App you use.

    Again “Think before you Click.”

    We need to be Extremely Careful about our CyberSecurity.

    You need to Stay Safe online too.

    Treat your Passwords like your Underpants cos you Do not want people to see them. Do not Give out your Passwords.


    Question 1 – What is the Best Strategy – Is it to have CyberSecurity in-house or Out-Source it?

    Answer – it Depends on what works best for you the Organization. Organization can Out-Source it as it will reduce burden on the Company. Or they can have it in-house to Save Costs. CyberSecurity People Earn Higher than the Average Person.

    Question 2 – How can one Secure the Website of an organization.

    Answer – Install a Firewall to make Sure that there is Protection that Filters information to the Website.

    WordPress is a Great Provider for a Website.

    Question 3 – How do we know if CyberSecurity is Breached?

    Answer – You see that your Account has been logged into on Various Systems.

    Keep an Eye on your Logs.

    Hackers are Very Boastful. They like to Brag. They can Brag about the Information they got from your Device.

    Do not have the Same Passwords because your Different E-mails can be Hacked Simultaneously.

    Hackers will make Sure you no longer Have Access to your Accounts.

    When you are Affected, Other People in your Business line Will also be Affected.

    Be Very Intentional about CyberSecurity.

    The Person who hacked your Account might try to have Access to Other People you know.

    Most Hackers may be Quiet about It and Just Use your Information.

    Question 4 – Any App or Software to Prevent you from Being Hacked?

    Answer – There are Different Protections for Different Systems.

    Protect your Device with an Anti-virus.

    The Story of David and Goliath was Cited

    Goliath had a Small hole at the middle of head and David aimed for that hole and that is how Goliath was Defeated.

    Same thing is Applicable to Hacking. A Cyber-Criminal will leverage on a Loophole.

    Although you must note that there is no Such thing as 100% Security but there is Something as Being Very Difficult to Hack.

    Be Very Very Hard to Hack, so that Hackers will give Up on you.

    About VPNs…

    From the Movie – Money Heist, Between The Bank and The Professor, There was a Tunnel that they Built.

    A Communication like a Tunnel helps to Guard you.

    Using a VPN helps you to Send information in a Secured Tunnel.

    Question 5 – Should Companies tell the Public when they are hacked?

    Answer – This is in the Law!

    Because when Hacking Occurs, Data are Exposed.

    Give the Relevant information to your Customers on the Level of hacking that has taken place.

    All Reputable Companies Should take Ownership for what has happened.

    Question 6 – Is there any Cyber Forensics to make Sure Hackers are Punished?

    Answer – There are Laws in Different Countries that Punish Cyber Crimes.

    There is an Arm of CyberSecurity Called Forensics.

    Walmart was Hacked a while ago. But From Assessments, It wasn’t the Fault of Walmart – A Vendor Made The Hackers to have Access to Walmart’s Information.

    Forensics are Actually very Expensive and not every Organization can Afford it.

    This is why you need to have Back Ups, Consistently Back Up your Information.

    Hacking Can Potentially Kill your Business.

    A good example of the Operations of Hackers is getting Friend Requests on Facebook from People you already have as Friends… This is what Hackers do.

    Question 7 – Your View on Centralization of Data From Companies like Facebook or Apple.

    Answer – For Companies, If anything happens to your Account… If your Account is Breached… The Company should tell you.

    When Twitter was Hacked some time back… They Asked all its Users to Change their Passwords.

    Companies Compromised in Data Breach Should take Responsibility and Own Up.

    Companies Should Notify their Customers when there Is a Breach

    And that Rounded Up the Facebook Webinar on CyberSecurity.

    Follow me on Twitter: @Pinkys_Blog








    Online Courses Valuable Information


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    Key features of Agora

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    • Interact with other learners

    A variety of tools, such as discussion forums, blogs, assignments or wikis help you to interact with other learners whilst providing support for your own learning needs.

    • Receive certificates and digital badges

    Most activities include completion tracking and/or assessments on the basis of which you can receive digital badges and/or certificates of completion which you can then use to advance your career.

    Topics overview

    Learning opportunities offered by Agora relate to the following primary topics:

    1. Focus areas

    Learn about the global humanitarian and development environment, the UN Human Rights framework and other global initiatives related to UNICEF’s work and mission.

    2. Strategies

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    3. Leading and managing

    Whatever your current level of responsibility is, you can find resources to develop your leadership and management skills relating to projects, teams, partnerships and more.

    4. Operational support

    Learn about the software, guidelines or processes that allow UNICEF to operate and effectively deliver all over the world.

    5. Communication & languages

    In today’s world it is more important than ever to know how to communicate your ideas clearly and effectively, through different tools, in various contexts, and preferably in several languages. Find here many training activities to become a better communicator.

    6. Career support

    Develop your personal skills and competencies, from management and leadership development to desktop computer skills.


    Contact us

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    1. How do I send my GeoPoll credit to my Phone?

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    2. I forgot my password?

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    3. I want to change my mobile number, email address and language?

    Answer – On the app go to Settings then select “User profile” click on any profile you would like to update by following the on-screen instructions.

    4. I want to register for SMS surveys

    When you create an account on the GeoPoll app, you are also automatically registered to receive SMS surveys and surveys on our other modes.

    FINAL NOTE – Don’t Forget to Use my Unique Referral Code while Registering 👇👇


    Start Earning Airtime Credit Now!! 😊😊








    Valuable Information Remote Work Webinars

    Some Important Things to Know about REMOTE WORK – Jottings From a Webinar

    Written by Nkiruka Rosemary Iwu (Pinky)

    These are my jottings from the Opportunity Desk Live Session on Remote Work.

    OD LIVE SESSION With Mr. Ade Olowojumo.

    What is Remote Work?

    A remote job is one that is done away from the office in a remote location. This could be either work done from home, or work done on the road in the case of a job such as a regional salesperson.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a great opportunity for us to work remotely.

    To work Remotely:

    1. You need to be disciplined.
    2. You need to be organized.
    3. And You need to get digital Skills.

    Some Good Digital Skills you can get include:

    a) Graphics Designing

    b) User Interface Design

    c) Copywriting

    d) Artificial Intelligence

    e) And Data Science.

    How to Find a Remote Work

    Companies are now investing in the digital spaces.

    You need to try to get any of these digital Skills.

    You need to find out the opportunities available that you can tap into.

    You will have to do a thorough research.

    Use Google to find out things – Google is a great tool.

    You can Search on Google – “Top 10 Skill areas for Remote work”.

    Newer skill sets are coming up each day.

    Good Sites to get Remote Work include:

    • Fiverr
    • UpWork
    • Flexjobs
    • Indeed
    • Pinky’s Blog

    You need to get some coaching

    Get a mentor in any field you want to go into.

    Go for knowledge.

    Go to Twitter and do a search on people working remotely.

    Some successful people in remote work usually do a vlog or a blog on how to get remote work.

    How to Apply for a Remote Job – Important things to know about Remote Work

    You will need your CV, cover letter and a portfolio of the past jobs you have done.

    Before applying for a remote work, you need to get on several projects.

    You need to be willing to learn.

    Learn how to be a web designer.

    Learn graphics designing.

    Basically, start working on several projects.

    The projects are what you will show on your portfolio.

    You will have to tailor your CVs to your remote work profiles.

    Update your LinkedIn profile.

    Caveat – There are a lot of scams on the internet presenting themselves as sites to get remote jobs.

    You need to verify the information you get from the internet.

    The global market has crashed.

    COVID-19 and the recession is presenting a lot of opportunities especially for remote work.

    Remote work do not also come easy.

    You must put in effort to get them.

    You need to put in work.

    The biggest challenge is call-to-action.

    You have to reach out to a lot of organizations on a daily basis.

    You have to understand the skills required.

    Start taking on projects.

    Start reaching out to organizations.

    Send a follow-up e-mail a week after applying for the jobs.

    You can record a one minute video on what you can do for the employers to watch.

    Look for problems and devise a solution.

    Every organization is looking for someone to solve problems.

    For example – You can search for Web Designing jobs in Pittsburgh, USA… Or any good location you wish.

    Every loophole is an opportunity.

    Again some Remote Work Sites are…

    • Craigslist

    More Things to know – Important things to know about Remote Work

    Join communities of remote workers on social media.

    Join communities of data scientists.

    Look for successful data scientists.

    You can search for successful data scientists in the U.K or the U.S

    Be open to new technology

    Know how new skills work.

    To achieve a balance while working remotely, have a schedule.

    Some Benefits of Remote Work

    You can prepare psychologically for remote work by seeing the benefits.

    You save money instead of shopping for a new wardrobe if you were going to a regular office.

    You also save energy by cutting out transportation costs to a normal office.

    Some Warnings

    Avoid job scams…

    Work with verified job sites with a proven track record.

    Ms. Grace Iheji also made mention of the existence of fake scholarships websites for example.

    In his Last words – Mr. Ade said, If you don’t get a remote job you want, you can create one with your Skills.

    😊 And that Wrapped Up the OD LIVE SESSION on remote work.

    If you have gained from this knowledge… Please share this blog Ppage with others and your network


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    Valuable Information

    How To Make Hand Sanitizers. The Importance of Sanitizers and the Best Ways to Use Them.


    The COVID-19 pandemic has strengthened the emphasis of us being clean and staying sanitized.

    It is ideal and recommended to wash your hands several times in a day and also use a hand sanitizer.

    Hand sanitizers help to prevent the spread of bacteria and germs.

    But if you need to make sanitizer for yourself at home… I will describe below how you can go about it…


    Want to make Some Sanitizer for yourself?!

    I got you!!!! 👐

    ✨It’s so easy!!!

    Ingredients Needed

    👏2/3 cup 99% rubbing alcohol or ethanol

    👏1/3 cup aloe gel (to keep your hands from drying out)

    👏Optional: 8-10 drops of essential oils of your choice 😍


    Mix really well in a bowl, and use a funnel to pour it into an empty pump!


    1. Don’t Use hand sanitizer when your hands are very dirty – If your hands are very dirty… Wash them first before using hand sanitizer

    2. Use the right amount – Apply enough sanitizer to cover every part of your hands

    3. Rub sanitizer thoroughly all over your hands until they are dry.

    I have just described the importance of hand sanitizer, how to make it for yourself at home and the best ways to use it… So, if you’ve got any other favorite cleaning/sanitizing hacks…
    I’ld Love to hear it, let us know in the comments 😉 👇


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