Valuable Information

Sell Study Notes on Stuvia – Earn Online

A great way for you to earn online – Sell study notes on Stuvia

Sell your school notes or study notes on Stuvia – Sell them instantly

About Stuvia – Sell study notes on Stuvia

Tens of thousands of people are searching for notes on this website daily

People may need your study notes

It is even possible for you to sell hundreds of your study documents

Earn Quickly; You earn money for each document you sell. Your earnings are added to your Stuvia account instantly.

It is easy to upload your study notes and sell on Stuvia

Your sellers account can easily be created within a minute

You have the choice to determine the price of your documents and upload them immediately

You can sell your school notes – Sell them today on Stuvia

Sell the knowledge you have acquired on this great website

Your knowledge is worth money!

There are over 700,000 sellers on Stuvia who are making money daily for their knowledge

Sign up for free today and start earning money by helping others

Your summaries are worth money.

Within a few minutes you can sell your study notes

Your study notes, summaries, flash cards, study guides and other study resources are worth some money.

Stuvia is an online learning platform where you can sell and share your study notes to other students

We offer a generous commission on each sale

Sell your study notes online in a quick and easy way

Do you have any written textbook summaries or notes?? Yes! You can sell them on this website

Quick Earnings – You can earn from each document you sell

Your earnings are added to your Stuvia account instantly

How it Works – Sell Study Notes on Stuvia

  1. Create a sellers account within a minute
  2. Set the price for your documents
  3. Start uploading, then earn

How much does a seller earn on Stuvia?

An average seller on Stuvia earns $100 a month by selling their study documents or even more

Each document sells for about $8 (Eight dollars)

You can sell your documents indefinitely without any limits

You can sell your document every day; even on weekends

After your study materials have been uploaded – the Stuvia marketing machine will start working for you immediately and you can start earning within 3 days of the time you uploaded the document.

Start Selling Today!!

Sell and share your summaries and study notes to others

Whether you are studying or taking a course for your work; you can prepare your study materials and sell them on Stuvia

Do you always prepare for your exams by creating study notes or summaries? Stuvia helps you to earn money online by selling your study materials to other students

In this way, you can create a passive income with your study notes or summaries

Some Salient Things to Know – Sell Study Notes on Stuvia

Well-written summaries receive great reviews, resulting in more sales and greater earnings

  1. You are the boss

You always retain ownership of your documents. Buyers only have the right to read your work for personal use. It is forbidden for them to distribute your work to other people

2. Be Found

Write a catchy title and a solid description for your documents so that buyers can easily find your summaries online, such as Google Search Engine – for example.

3. Set the Ideal Price

You set the price for your study notes and documents. You can even make discounted bundles of your top summaries to attract more buyers.

4. Use the Stuvia Network

As soon as your documents are online, we will include them on the right Stuvia pages that are search traffic optimized. We also send notifications to members interested in your field of study.

5. Score Top Reviews

Improve your online reputation by getting high scoring reviews. This is a great way to generate more sales.

6. Earn money from each Summary

Some documents sell hundreds of times… Once your documents are on Stuvia, your work is done. Sit back, relax and start earning money.

With Stuvia, you can help others with your knowledge while earning money.


Types of Materials you can Sell on Stuvia – Sell Study Notes on Stuvia

All of your written study documents can be sold on Stuvia; This includes –

  1. Summaries
  2. College notes
  3. Assignments
  4. Textbook summaries
  5. Papers
  6. Essays
  7. Manuals
  8. Course notes
  9. Judgements
  10. Class notes

Things you can’t Sell on Stuvia

  1. Old exams
  2. Powerpoint class slides
  3. Scanned textbooks
  4. Published scientific articles

Who Can Register on Stuvia

  1.  High school students
  2. University or college students
  3. People doing a course or work training
  4. Teachers/Tutors
  5. Publishers
  6. Or just anybody at all

Things you can write for:

  1. Exam or a qualification
  2. Training
  3. Test
  4. University or college courses
  5. High school subjects.


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Sell Study Notes on Stuvia
Sell Study Notes on Stuvia








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By Nkiruka Iwu

My full name is Nkiruka Rosemary Iwu. I am from Nigeria. I am the Founder and Pioneer of this blog. I have a Master's degree in Public and International Affairs and a Certificate in Remote Working from the University of Leeds, United Kingdom and The Institute of Coding. I also own the company called Pinky's Research and Learning Services - An educational, writing and research company. I have about Eight (8) years experience in remote working. My desire is to see that everyone achieves their career aspirations in life even with little resources, this is my main goal of setting up this blog - to help everyone with awesome opportunities to achieve their life dreams. Thank you for reading through my wonderful blog.

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